
Bram Hagewoud

Paul Stolk

Cynthia Offringa

Event Organization
Facility Logistic Manager:

Sebas van den Hout

Human Resource Manager:

Cynthia Offringa

Event Control:
Bram Hagewoud

Game Masters:
Bram Hagewoud
Paul Stolk
Jeske van Riel
Sebastiaan van den Hout
Vincent de Vries

Crafting Master:
Clint Peeters
Paul Stolk
Sebastiaan van den Hout

Monster Game Masters:
Sander Jagersma
Thijs Bierling

Vonne Starreveld
Simone Bierling

Head of First Aid:
Cynthia Offringa

Sander Jagersma

Tasks of organization

* daily management of funds and keeping track of the financial administration;
* collecting claims and paying the debts;
* preparation of the financial report each year;
* preparation of a budget each year.

Event Controller:
* setting control;
* plot realisation;
* ground planning;
* games operations.

Facility Logistic Manager:
* logistic planning;
* plot realisation;
* contact external suplliers;
* security/First Aid.

Human Resource Manager:
* volunteer database control;
* recruitment volunteers;
* contact volunteers;
* final responsibility for voluntary coordination.